Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Nursing A Lifelong Dream - 1404 Words
Nursing: A Lifelong Dream Nursing starts as far back as the late 1700s when a, New York Physician, Valentine Seaman, organized a course of lectures for nurses who cared for maternity patients. An early nineteenth century program, the Nurse Society of Philadelphia (also referred to as the Nurse Charity of Philadelphia) trained women in caring for mothers during childbirth and postpartum period. (Jean C. Whelan) The founder, Dr. Joseph Warrington, a strong advocate for women interesting in pursing nursing as an occupation, authored a book. (paraphrase) (Jean C. Whelan) If you look at Health care in the 1800s is not what is today. There were no generally accepted body of knowledge so that rival theories circulated competitively. The year 1873 was a defining moment year in American history. In that year, three nursing educational programs began operations. As the centuries past, our understanding of the field of Nursing began to evolve into a legitimate school of thought. Florence Nightingale is extensively recognized inside and outside of the nursing profession as its founder. Many nursing traditions have their basis in Nightingale’s beliefs and her experiences as an extremely well educated, brilliant, wealthy, and privileged woman. Her dream for nursing was that it would be a honorable calling for women. Nevertheless, Nightingale left a timeless legacy of commitment to a profession that would serve humanity-and its practitioners-well (Haylock 3). Far removed from the daysShow MoreRelatedThe Future of Nursing999 Words  | 4 PagesFUTURE OF NURSING * SUTHA FERNANDO – DATE: 12-23-2012 GRAND CANYAN UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT The Institute of Medicine has thoroughly analyzed the Future of Nursing and submitted report. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is a nonprofit organization that works independently, provides unbiased and authoritative advice to general public as well as government. 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